News/Politics 4-17-13

What’s interesting in the news today?


An arrest has/will/might, or may not be happening now. Confused? Me too.

From WeaselZippers


The press conference which should hopefully provide some answers has been pushed back to 5:00PM EST


Police say the Saudi man considered a “person of interest” in the Boston bombing is not a suspect.

From TheCable

“Director of National Intelligence James Clapper briefed members of the Senate Intelligence Committee behind closed doors in a pre-scheduled hearing that was supposed to focus on the budget, but Clapper began with an update of the bombings. Ranking Republican Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) emerged from the briefing and said he was told the 22-year old Saudi student who was injured during the bombings and remains in the care of a local hospital was no longer a focus of investigators.

“He was never categorized as a suspect; he was a person of interest. My understanding is that he totally cooperated and that he is no longer a person of interest,” Chambliss said.

Asked if there were any other persons of interest at this time, Chambliss said, “Not that I know of.””


And we have more examples of people rising to the occasion, and helping where they could.

From TheTelegraphUK

“Out of the horror of the Boston marathon bombings, there emerged uplifting examples of human kindness as the city’s residents did all they could to help those caught up in the attack.”

“So many of the runners continued to run across the finishing line and onwards to the Massachusetts General Hospital, in a rush to give blood, that they had to be turned away.”

“A retired American Football star, Joe Andruzzi, who won the Superbowl three times with the New England Patriots, carried victims away from the carnage. All three of his brothers were firemen in New York who responded to the September 11 attacks on the Twin Towers.”


Congress has responded to the Boston bombing. And of course some Dems go with the same old play book. Don’t let a crisis go to waste. And blame the Sequester.

From Politico

“With the Boston Marathon bombings less than 24 hours old, some on Capitol Hill  are beginning to say the attack shows why Congress should’ve stopped automatic  spending cuts from taking hold in March.”

“Hoyer added: “I think there are multiple reasons for ensuring that we invest in  our security both domestic and international security. That we invest in the  education of our children, that we invest in growing jobs in America and don’t  pursue any irrational policy of cutting the highest priorities and the lowest  priorities by essentially the same percentage.””

“Rep. Xavier Becerra of California, the chairman of the House Democratic  Caucus, said that the first responders working Monday aren’t sheltered from cuts.

“We have to send you less money to help your first responders,” Becerra  said.”

Barney Frank, and numerous hacks pretending to be journalists have joined in on this meme as well. But don’t be fooled by the drama. There is plenty of money for needed things like this. However Homeland Security would rather waste it, many times on things that have nothing to do with their mission. Just as a reminder, they waste it on things like this.

Millions squandered at Homeland over the past decade.

DHS Counterterror Centers Produce ‘a Bunch of Crap,’ Senate Finds

Zombie Apocalypse Training

$98,000 for an underwater robot in Columbus, Ohio, where there are no major  rivers and few lakes nearby.

1.6 billion rounds of ammo.

50 million for new uniforms

And 2,700 new armored vehicles for patrolling American cities

They don’t have a revenue problem, they have a wasteful spending problem. They’ve wasted tons of money. But if Dems want to complain about Homeland budget cuts…..

Then I guess this should be pointed out since those in Congress and the press pushing this meme won’t mention it, since it doesn’t fit in the story they wanna tell.

From TheDailyMail

Obama administration has SLASHED budget for domestic bombing prevention by 45 per cent, says former Homeland Security Assistant Secretary

  • $20 million  budget under Bush became $11 million under Obama
  • Both  administrations neglected domestic bombing prevention, devoting a tiny fraction  of the $1 billion earmarked for IED prevention overseas
  • Obama  issued a lengthy ‘National Policy for Countering Improvised Explosive Devices’  in February but a spokesman won’t say if it failed.”


More horrible details from the Gosnell case.

So a CONTENT WARNING!!! for this one.

From CNSNews

“Gosnell did these very late-term abortions at his clinic in West  Philadelphia assisted only by his wife, Pearl Gosnell, on the one day  the clinic was closed, Sunday. Other clinic workers were not allowed to  assist in these abortions and it is believed that many of the medical  records of these procedures may have been destroyed, according to the  grand jury report.

The grand jury report was released in January 2011. As it states,  “This report documents multiple murders of viable babies. The evidence  makes a compelling case that many others were also murdered. … It was  Gosnell’s standard business practice to slay viable babies.”

“Gosnell made little effort to hide his illegal abortion practice,” reads the report.   “But there were some, ‘the really big ones,’ that even he was afraid to  perform in front of others. These abortions were scheduled for Sundays, a  day when the clinic was closed and none of the regular employees were  present. Only one person was allowed to assist with these special cases –  Gosnell’s wife.””


“Why Evangelicals Back Obama on Immigration (and Why They Should Agree on Guns and Climate Change, Too)”

From NationalJournal

“The most important milestone on immigration reform this weekend was not “The Full Marco” – Sen. Marco Rubio’s seven-show Sunday blitz. It was a story in The New York Times documenting a shift by evangelical Christians toward easing immigration laws.

Julia Preston reported:

“The shift among evangelical Christians could have a powerful effect on the fight in Washington, as Republican lawmakers, including many who have opposed any amnesty for illegal immigrants, look to see how much they can support measures to bring those immigrants into the legal system without alienating conservative voters.”

“Evangelical leaders, seeing the opportunity to expand their influence on a social issue beyond abortion and same-sex marriage, have broadly united this year behind a path to citizenship for immigrants in the country illegally. They are conducting an ambitious push to sway Congress, including ad campaigns on Christian radio stations in five states, meetings with lawmakers, and a challenge to churchgoers to pray every day for 40 days using Bible passages that speak of welcoming the stranger.”


And remember, vote fraud is a myth.


“Marguerite Kloos walked into court Tuesday as a nun who devoted her life to her religion. When she walked out, she was a convicted felon who escaped a prison term.

Kloos, 54, of Delhi Township, pleaded guilty to illegal voting, admitting to filling out and filing an absentee ballot for Sister Rose Marie Hewitt, Kloos’ friend who died before last November’s election.”

“Hers was one of three cases Hamilton County decided – so far – to prosecute from last fall’s elections.”

Nothin’ to see here folks. Move along.


12 thoughts on “News/Politics 4-17-13

  1. Sad — but probably predictable in our divided culture — how the hunt for the bomber(s) has turned to political. Anti-government right winger? Muslim sympathizer? Domestic/Foreign?

    Everyone’s lining up behind their favorite candidate. The goal seems to be to hope it’s someone who will support their particular world/political view. All to make a point, all to help their “side.”


  2. I think anyone on the left and right would agree that the Dept of Homeland Security was a mistake the moment it was created. And in all likelihood it deserved the cuts that were made. AJ — you link to past waste prior to the sequester, lets hope (I know dim hope) the waste didn’t continue but regardless any attempt to immediately save money will be across the board labor cuts and that does affect current service. This news may have a political spin to it, but its pretty much standard household economy. And its why Wal-mart is beginning to have problems — the search for immediate savings led to unsustainable labor cuts.


  3. HRW, I would agree that the TSA and the Dept. of Homeland Security were mistakes. They were over reactions to 9/11. I guess I would put the Iraq War in those same categories.


  4. Michelle, That was the diabolically brilliant part of the 9/11 attacks. By attacking DC and NY, the attacks were almost certain to produce an overreaction. Apart from the loss of life, Al Qaeda spent a few hundred thousand dollars, and caused us to waste trillions.


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